Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Status: Currently writing on The Price of Freedom--Chapter 182.

Doing: Writing this blog; surfing the net; answering e-mails; working out.

Watching: Evening News

Listening to: "Halcyon" by Chicane

Reading: Windows on a Lost World by V.E. Mitchell (ST-TOS)


Never thought that that this would pop up in The Price of Freedom.

For a time now, I've had to focus more on what was happening with Kayla Sorenson and her ongoing struggle to find her true identity and what her purpose in this long and ongoing war between humanity and the Neos.

Of course, I'm used to the fact that I like to drop a bombshell on my readers every now and then, but this one has me kind've stymied.

Three times or more--throughout the book--either Kenneth Sparks or Kayla Sorenson was visited by their future daughter; Felica Sorenson.

In many guises, she visited them in the year 2166--throughout the first 5 months of the year; each time either saving their bacon, giving Kayla a boost, or in this latest case...?

Stopping her from killing Kenneth Sparks.

But this latest visit also comes with a surprise: Felicia is pregnant with Kenneth's child!

How did this happen was explained in a later chapter--as Felicia "rescues" her estranged mother from her own insanity.

The reason behind the joining.

However, it hasn't been fully explained as to whether or not this is the same Felicia from the current timeline, or another version of her which alternated from another aspect of the timesteam.

Felicia isn't talking and neither Kayla nor Kenneth know much pass their past experiences with their wayward daughter.

So another mystery still has yet to be solved. And by the looks of things--it doesn't appear that it will be solved in this book. Possibly in The Catalyst of Freedom, but I can't be sure--as that storyline is still in bits and pieces. (In terms of an outline.)

And another twist in the current storyline is still unfolding. Because of what happened in Felicia's subspace domain, Kayla has been regressed back to a teenage girl.

16-years-old and no longer pregnant with Felicia.

What's going to happen when she returns to 2166?

I don't know. But count on a very interesting read from here on out. (Not that this book has ever been boring from minute one...?)
