Sunday, January 6, 2008


Status: Writing Chapter 14 to Stories of the Dead Earth-Book 3: Jasper

Doing: Writing this blog; surfing the net; answering e-mails; working out

Watching: American Dad

Listening to: "Canaan" by Mindless Faith

Reading: Kushiel's Scion by Jacqueline Carey (Page 123)


Watching this episode of "American Dad" where Steve Smith becomes a famous author; and ends up hating it--gave me some insight on what I've been dealing with trying to get published myself.

I particularly liked it when Steve's dad said he wrote over 3,000 books about "Patriot Pigeon" fighting evil wherever he went with his red, white, and blue turds of justice--and then showing his son the TEN THOUSAND REJECTION LETTERS he had collected for his books; before finally getting accepted himself!

(And I had like 100 so far over the last 8 years.)

Suffice to say, I'm laughing my butt off over this one.