Thursday, August 7, 2008


Status: In the middle of a housing crisis and not able to write on my projects currently--even though a part of me is screaming to! lol

Doing: Taking it easy.

Watching: The shadows on the wall--as the sun goes by.

Listening to: "She Sells Sanctuary"--by Rare Cult; "Ten Thousand Fists"--by Disturbed.

Reading: Kushiel's Scion. Page 504.


It's been a few busy days for this struggling writer. I went and got some packing boxes from Wal-Mart and my wife and I are getting ready to start packing up the remainder of our things rather soon.

We haven't heard anything from Oxford Squares Apartments, but it doesn't seem like all bad news to us. After all, no news is good news...right?

The weather has been oppressively hot and I've been suffering because of that. It wouldn't surprise me if my INR numbers dropped another full percentage point from last month's readings.

My garden's doing much better this time around and the Purple Haze carrots have started to blossom. I've been trying to figure out exactly what to put them in--but seeing how the styrofoam cups have been a massive boom for me...?

Why not use containers?

I've also started to write on my short stories again after 11 years of doing nothing with them. The 31 volumes of short stories has a broad range of topics from Native Americanism to time travel.

Each short story touches on some theme and runs about 100-200 pages minimum. I finished 4 from the first volume entitled, DreamScapes. But they need to be rewritten anyways.

So that's what I've been doing for the last few days--in an attempt to keep my mind off what will lay ahead for me and April. It's not going to be easy by a long shot.

Moving and having to compress everything is never easy. Being on such limited income is even equally hard and depressing--because I have to literally come up with a new payment schedule or something; just to make this work.

And it's going to be months before I go back to what I was doing before.

This is assuming--of course--we pass the credit check and are able to move at all.

No matter what--uncertainty still plagues people like me in situations such as this. It's just a part of the life we live.

No matter how much we try to change it for the better.

We are who we always will be.
