Sunday, August 3, 2008


Status: In the middle of a housing crisis and not able to write on my projects currently--even though a part of me is screaming to! lol

Doing: Taking a break from all this running around.

Watching: The shadows on the wall--as the sun goes by.

Listening to: "Anthem"--by Filo and Peri (7:47 Original version)

Reading: Kushiel's Scion. Page 504.


Things were pretty nuts since Friday. April and I spent that day literally walking around and getting things done which we need done immediately.

Though I lack the money now to do anything about this month's current need for more credit check apps; we're hoping that one will be enough.

I have just a little money left over to get April her blood-pressure meds from Wal-Mart and I'm left debating whether I should get another bag of catfood or some boxes. (I left my bills, my $30 stash of monthly comics, and Kushiel's Mercy to the mercy of the gods themselves--and used that extra money to get some supplies and other essentials for the house: More on this, little on we grabbed some food along the way as well. After all, you can't walk 7 hours straight without having at least some kind of fuel for the long road ahead.)

But we were both worn out and exhausted from our ordeal and have to worry about the next month.

Oddly enough, we still haven't heard from the ALJ yet--so we're dreading that decision as well--because this does have a major impact on what's going to happen to both me and April down the road.

But gauging how long it's taking the judge longer and longer to get back--it must mean something. After all, when you're struck down with as many health problems and disabilities as I have had in my current 34 years of living; rarely do things improve or get better overnight.

I've had to live and adapt to my cerebral palsy, but it doesn't mean that I'm cured of my host problem. I just wonder why is it that the government agencies and those whom deal with people like me have to force me to go on living a lie; by insinuating that the only way I can keep my benefits is to act both handicapped and retarded at the same time; depending on the nature of the disability itself.

It's going to be a rather large disapppointment for them--seeing how I can't go back to the way I originally was. :0)

I'm a little calmer today than I have been in weeks. Maybe that's a good sign...who knows? I'll take as much peace and quiet as I can for the time being before the rat race begins again.

Monday, I have to go and drop off that paperwork to housing--while we wait on our new cap limits update.
