Friday, July 4, 2008


Status: Doing some writing on Starchild Duel. Chapter 147.

Doing: Writing on this blog; answering e-mails; working out, and know the rest! :0)

Watching: Nothing at the moment.

Listening to: "I Walk The Line"--By Alien Sex Fiend; "Database"--by PTI; "Recoil"--by Fleshfield

Reading: Kushiel's Scion. Page 404.




I just want to let everyone know that I've begun writing in earnest once more on Starchild Duel. I think I'm a little bit more emotionally stable to continue writing--until I get word on the outcome of my hearing.

Don't blame me. This is how I've always been.

I've spent last night working on Chapter 147 of the book and then revising it until about 2:45 in the morning.

The title for this section of the book (on page 1,304) is called "Dark Despair"; drawing on the theme of failure and hopelessness wrought forth by the latest battle between Talia and Isis McGowan, and Cara Hastings (under the thrall of Nemesis).

None of the involved parties were able to claim a solid victory over the other (as Isis and Talia have teamed up against Cara to stop her destructive rampage)--and a good portion of Shark's Bay has been left in ruins as a result of the battle. (Isis's Viper X-1 auto-frame is now a memory.)

The race track where the Desert Storm was supposed to have played out was completely destroyed in the fight--and a lot of people and auto-frame pilots were killed in the process.

The primary players have retreated for the moment; each licking their respective wounds from the ongoing conflict.

Talia has finally relented to go back to Jonas's underground auto-frame hanger to find Jonas himself--at the request of his current girlfriend, Sara Braihteen. (Jonas likely filed for divorce against his estranged wife--Rayna Hastings--5 years previous. But there is nothing on what happened between the events surrounding The Starchild and Starchild Duel.)

But the 16-year-old stranded super heroine from the alternate universe is none too happy about doing this.

However, she has no other choice in the matter. With her sister (the other Isis McGowan) dead from wounds suffered at the hands of Nemesis on her world, the girl is literally on her own, and is still struggling to adapt and change to the universe she now lives in.

Isis McGowan is still out cold from being subjected to absolute zero temperatures elicited on top of a 5-mile free fall (after being cocooned in a block of ice) expose--and it doesn't like she's going to be much help to anyone presently, until she has time to recover from a combination of steep exhaustion and her sustained injuries in her fight against Nemesis.

Pulver has taken Bayen prisoner where he's going to be tortured and interrogated by the Praetorial Guard--while the rest of the rescued party returns to Fran's workshop to plan for his release--and any ideas on how to confront and contain Nemesis's destructive onslaught against the surface dwellers residing on the desert Earth.

Or the population of sky dancers living on the orbiting space complex of Stratos City itself.

But--as before--none of the ideas look doable or even the least bit attractive. immediate resolution to the problems at hand. (But you don't think that I don't have my own bag of tricks up my sleeve--now do you? lol

Trust me: I've been in tighter spots than this--with my writing. It's all a part of the job-description.)